Key Performance Indicators Programme


Key Performance Indicators

2020 Certification Logo - KPIP.png

This course introduces KPIs and their strategic context, and then introduces participants to a step-by-step methodology that can be used to develop various types of KPIs. Through short lectures, case studies, and applied exercises, participants will learn the fundamentals of KPI development and how to align measures that drive improvement to strategy.

Participants will learn how to:

  • Create buy-in and a culture of continuous performance improvement

  • Drive performance-informed budgeting and accountability

  • Develop best practice KPIs, performance targets, and management dashboards

  • Improve performance of departments, teams, programs, projects, risks, and individuals

  • Communicate performance information throughout the organization to better inform decision making

Course Outline

Sessions 1 & 2: Introduction to KPIs and KPI Development

  • Introduction to Application Exercises, KPI Case Studies, Tools, Templates, and Supplemental Resources

  • Introduction to KPIs and Strategic Management

  • Different Types of KPIs

  • Understanding Strategic Context and Goal Setting

  • Developing and Mapping Strategic Objectives

  • Creating the Right Performance Measurement Culture to Build Buy-in

Sessions 3 & 4: Performance Measure Development Process

  • The Process of Developing Performance Measures

  • Step 1: Describe the Intended Result(s)

  • Step 2: Understand Alternative Measures

  • Using the Logic Model to Develop Alternative Measures

  • Using the Process Flow Analysis to Develop Alternative Measures

Sessions 5 & 6: Performance Measure Development Process, cont

  • Step 2: Understand Alternative Measures, cont.

  • Using the Cause-Effect Analysis to Develop Alternative Measures

  • Step 3: Select the Right Measurement(s) for Each Objective

  • Step 4: Define Composite Indices as Needed

  • Step 5: Set Targets & Thresholds

  • Step 6: Define and Document Selected Performance Measures