CSS 2024
Webinar Wednesday Series: Breaking Barriers and Overcoming Obstacles in Strategy Execution
Leading up to the Summit, Strategy Plus (S+) and BSI are hosting a series of webinars to assist in sparking your enthusiasm for the upcoming CSS Summit by providing an overview of each of the CSS 2024 Symposium Feature Lectures as well as current content on riveting strategy topics. A mere preview of the Summit events, offering just a hint of the Strategy Execution gems that lie ahead.
Register for one or all three!
Webinar 1: Digital Transformation and Its Impact on Strategy Execution
May 15 - 12:30 pm EDT
Disruption from technologies such as artificial intelligence often creates anxiety and uncertainty for strategy professionals and organizational leaders. This webinar examines the challenges and opportunities presented by rapid technological advancements and how sound strategy execution practices related to leadership, alignment, and culture can help organizations adapt quickly to disruptive transformation and successfully execute strategy.
Click to learn more about all of the webinars and register: Webinar – Strategy Execution Series - Balanced Scorecard Institute